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Entries Tagged as 'Post Termination Restrictions after Signing a Compromise Agreement'

Employment Lawyers – Payment in Lieu of Notice – Employment Solicitors – Compromise Agreements Solicitors

June 8th, 2010 · 2 Comments · About Compromise Agreement Blog, Compromise Agreement Solicitor, Compromise Agreement Solicitors, Compromise Agreements, Consultation, Employment Lawyers, Employment Solicitors, Necessity for Legal Advice on the Terms of Your Compromise Agreement, Payment in Lieu of Notice, Payment of Normal Salary, Payment Terms, Post Termination Restrictions after Signing a Compromise Agreement, Settlement Payment, Termination Payment, Without Prejudice Discussions, Your Compromise Agreement is a Binding Contract

Employees are constantly asking us whether their payments in lieu of notice (PILON) ought to be taxed. The answer is yes, theywill be taxed in the usual way plus national insurance will be payable. Any PILON will be included in an employee’s compromise agreement. If you require further information please contact us at or visit one […]


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Employment Lawyers – Post Termination Provisions

May 5th, 2010 · 7 Comments · About Compromise Agreement Blog, Compromise Agreement Solicitor, Compromise Agreement Solicitors, Compromise Agreements, Contract of Employment, Dismissal Before the Termination Date, Employment Lawyers, Keeping the Terms of your Compromise Agreement Confidential, Post Termination Restrictions after Signing a Compromise Agreement, Restrictive Covenants, Termination Date, Termination of Employment, Termination Payment, Your Compromise Agreement is a Binding Contract

Post Termination Obligations When senior executives are leaving a company, the company may add additional clauses to their compromise agreements to ensure that they are bound. A typical clause would be “You acknowledge that you will continue to be bound by the terms  of your employment contract in relation to  Confidentiality, Intellectual Property, Inventions and Patents and […]



Employment Solicitors – Signing a Compromise Agreement – Counterparts

March 24th, 2010 · No Comments · About Compromise Agreement Blog, Benefits - What happens to your Benefits once you sign a Compromise Agreement?, Compromise Agreement Solicitor, Compromise Agreement Solicitors, Compromise Agreements, Counterparts, Post Termination Restrictions after Signing a Compromise Agreement, Signing Compromise Agreements

Some employers are happy for the compromise agreement to be signed in counterparts. That means each party signs a separate agreement and they exchange so the employee gets a copy signed by the employer and the employer a copy signed by the employee. The compromise agreement has to make allowances for this, otherwise both parties […]



Employment Lawyers – Termination – Constructive Dismissal – Payment in Lieu of Notice (PILON) – PILON Payment or Termination Payment?

January 15th, 2010 · 13 Comments · About Compromise Agreement Blog, Compromise Agreement Solicitor, Compromise Agreement Solicitors, Compromise Agreements, National Insurance Contributions, Payment in Lieu of Notice, Payment Terms, Post Termination Restrictions after Signing a Compromise Agreement, Redundancy, Settlement Payment, Termination Date, Termination of Employment, Termination Payment

Recent Case: Employment Law: Termination – Constructive Dismissal – Payment in Lieu of Notice (PILON) – PILON Payment or Termination Payment? In this case of Clinton v HMRC [2010], an employer sought to terminate the employment of an employee and the employee sought to bring a claim for constructive dismissal against the employer. The employer […]



Tax Indeminty

July 17th, 2009 · 38 Comments · Basic Rate of Tax, Compromise Agreements, National Insurance Contributions, Post Termination Restrictions after Signing a Compromise Agreement, Signing Compromise Agreements, Your Compromise Agreement is a Binding Contract

Each compromise agreement has a tax indemnity.  It usually causes a lot of discussions when we are advising Employees. It is a safe guard for the Employer in case the Employer has to make a payment to the Inland Revenue in respect of pyaments made to an Employee under a compromise agreement.  A typical tax […]



Adviser’s Certificate

July 16th, 2009 · No Comments · Adviser's Certificate in Your Compromise Agreement, Choosing an Independent Legal Advisor to provide Advice on the Terms of your Compromise Agreement, Compromise Agreements, Necessity for Legal Advice on the Terms of Your Compromise Agreement, Post Termination Restrictions after Signing a Compromise Agreement, Signing Compromise Agreements, Your Compromise Agreement is a Binding Contract

The independent legal advise prov iding legal advice on your compromise agreement has to sign what is called an adviser’s certificate.  An adviser’s certificate should include the following:- ‘I, [Name of Solicitor] am a relevant independent adviser within the meaning of s 203 of the Employment Rights Act 1996. I confirm that: I am a […]



Warranties in Compromise Agreements Cont’d

July 1st, 2009 · No Comments · About Compromise Agreement Blog, Adviser's Certificate in Your Compromise Agreement, Benefits - What happens to your Benefits once you sign a Compromise Agreement?, Choosing an Independent Legal Advisor to provide Advice on the Terms of your Compromise Agreement, Compromise Agreements, Confidentiality Provisions in a Compromise Agreements, Dismissal Before the Termination Date, Necessity for Legal Advice on the Terms of Your Compromise Agreement, No Admission of Liability on the Part of your Employer, No Entitlement to Compensation, Pension Rights, Post Termination Restrictions after Signing a Compromise Agreement, Signing Compromise Agreements, Termination of Employment, Warranties, Your Compromise Agreement is a Binding Contract

We are continuing with our discussion on warranties in compromise agreements. Our previous entries explain a number of warranties that you will have to give to your employer. One of the key warranties is that: 1. You have received independent legal advice on all and any claims that you might be able to bring against […]



Warranties in Compromise Agreements Cont’d

June 24th, 2009 · No Comments · Adviser's Certificate in Your Compromise Agreement, Choosing an Independent Legal Advisor to provide Advice on the Terms of your Compromise Agreement, Compromise Agreements, Confidentiality Provisions in a Compromise Agreements, Contract of Employment, Dismissal Before the Termination Date, Keeping the Terms of your Compromise Agreement Confidential, Necessity for Legal Advice on the Terms of Your Compromise Agreement, No Admission of Liability on the Part of your Employer, No Entitlement to Compensation, Pension Rights, Post Termination Restrictions after Signing a Compromise Agreement, Signing Compromise Agreements, Termination Date, Termination of Employment, Warranties, Your Compromise Agreement is a Binding Contract

We are continuing with our discussion on warranties in compromise agreements. Our previous entries explain a number of warranties that you will have to give to your employer. One of the key warranties is that: 1. You have received independent legal advice on all and any claims that you might be able to bring against […]



Warranties in Compromise Agreements Cont’d

May 24th, 2009 · 1 Comment · Compromise Agreements, Contract of Employment, Dismissal Before the Termination Date, Entitlement to Untaken Accrued Holidays, Keeping the Terms of your Compromise Agreement Confidential, No Entitlement to Compensation, Post Termination Restrictions after Signing a Compromise Agreement, Signing Compromise Agreements, Termination Date, Termination of Employment, Warranties, Your Compromise Agreement is a Binding Contract

We are continuing with our discussion on warranties in compromise agreements. Our previous entries explain a number of warranties that you will have to give to your employer. One of the key warranties is that:You have received independent legal advice on all and any claims that you might be able to bring against your Employer […]



Warranties in Compromise Agreements Cont’d

May 21st, 2009 · 1 Comment · Compromise Agreements, Dismissal Before the Termination Date, Necessity for Legal Advice on the Terms of Your Compromise Agreement, No Entitlement to Compensation, Post Termination Restrictions after Signing a Compromise Agreement, Signing Compromise Agreements, Termination Date, Termination of Employment, Warranties

We are continuing with our discussion on warranties in compromise agreements. Our previous entries explain a number of warranties that you will have to give to your employer. One of the key warranties is that:You have received independent legal advice on all and any claims that you might be able to bring against your Employer […]

