We are continuing with our discussion on warranties in compromise agreements. Our previous entries explain a number of warranties that you will have to give to your employer. One of the key warranties is that:
1. You have received independent legal advice on all and any claims that you might be able to bring against your Employer in the Employer Tribunal and the High Court/County Court in respect of your employment and termination of employment.
2. You further warrant you have reviewed such claims with the Independent Adviser and been advised upon the possibility of pursuing such claims and you waive your rights to pursue such claims. The warranties that we have discussed in this blog and which you will be required to give to your Employer, do not apply to the following:-
- Any claim to enforce an Employee’s pension rights which have accrued up to the date of the compromise agreement under the Pension Scheme;
- Any personal injury claim which an Employee is not aware as at the date of the compromise agreement; and
- Any claim necessary to enforce the terms of the compromise agreement.
More regulations in the next blog entry.
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