If you are an employee you should be aware of a warranty that may be included in your compromise agreement. The warranty would state that the employee confirms that the employee has not accepted an offer of employment. An employe is at risk of being in breach of the employee’s compromise agreement, if the empployee accepts an offer of employment prior to the termination of the employee’s existing employment.
Lawyer Employment, Employee Rights, Voluntary Redundancy, Solicitors
March 4th, 2011 · No Comments · About Compromise Agreement Blog, Compromise Agreement Solicitor, Compromise Agreement Solicitors, Compromise Agreements, Contract of Employment, Employment Lawyers, Employment Solicitors, Employment Tribunals, Equality Act, Offer from your employer, Offer of Employment, Signing Compromise Agreements, Summary Dismissal, Termination Date, Termination of Employment, Termination Payment, Unfair Dismissal, Voluntary Redundancy, Voluntary Severance, Warranties, Without Prejudice Discussions, Wrongful dismissal, Your Compromise Agreement is a Binding Contract
Tags: employee rights·lawyer employment·solicitors·voluntary redundancy
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