Settlement Agreement Lawyers & Solicitors – Redundancy

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Entries Tagged as 'collectively compromise agreements'

Compromise Agreements, Enployment law, Redundancy, Collective Compromise Agreements, Enhanced Redundancy Pay

August 16th, 2011 · No Comments · Compromise Agreement Collectively Agreed, Compromise Agreement Solicitor, Compromise Agreement Solicitors, Compromise Agreements, Employment Lawyers, Employment Solicitors, Employment Tribunals, Payment Terms, Redundancy, Redundancy law, Redundancy Pay, Settlement Payment, Severance Pay, Termination Payment

As more and more employers are making hundreds if not thousands of employees redundant, we are seeing a number of compromise agreements that have been collectively agreed. In such cases, employers are refusing to change the terms of the compromise agreements for any one employee on the basis that the agreements were collectively agreed. Employees […]


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