Further to our post below, in some cases employers seek to be generous to employees who are being made redundant by allowing them extra time within which to find a new position. Depending on the circumstances, the employees may receive redundancy pay at that stage or at the final termination date. In such cases, the employees would sign a settlement agreement/compromise agreement early to confirm that they are being made redundant, as well as one prior to their actual termination date.
If you need legal advice on the terms of your settlement agreement or to negotiate a better redundancy package, please contact an employment solicitor at enquiries@rtcooperssolicitors.com or visit one of the following pages on employment law:
- http://www.rtcoopers.com/practice_employment.php
- http://www.rtcoopers.com/faq-redundancyemployee.php
- http://www.employmentlawyersinlondon.com/video.php
- http://www.employmentlawyersinlondon.com
- http://www.compromiseagreementlonuk.com/
© RT COOPERS, 2014. This Briefing Note does not provide a comprehensive or complete statement of the law relating to the issues discussed nor does it constitute legal advice. It is intended only to highlight general issues. Specialist legal advice should always be sought in relation to particular circumstances.
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