Following our post below, we often advise employees on other provisions that apply upon termination of employment (that is, aside from confidentiality), including non-solicitation and non-compete provisions.
- Non-solicitation provisions prohibit ex-employees from soliciting/dealing with certain individuals closely related to their ex-employers (employees, customers and suppliers).
- Non-compete provisions prohibit ex-employees from setting up a business which may be seen as a competitor to the ex-employer.
Normally, post-termination restrictions will last for 10-12 months. The idea behind them is to protect the ex-employer’s legitimate interests. However, it is possible for restrictions to be seen as too wide in scope by the Courts and therefore unenforceable.
Legal advice should always be sought in relation to employment law, especially post-termination provisions as a poor understanding can lead to serious breaches.
If you require further information about employment rights or specific aspects of employment contracts, please contact us at or visit one of the following pages on employment law:
© RT COOPERS, 2012. This Briefing Note does not provide a comprehensive or complete statement of the law relating to the issues discussed nor does it constitute legal advice. It is intended only to highlight general issues. Specialist legal advice should always be sought in relation to particular circumstances.
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