Upon receiving a letter stating that an employee is at risk of redundancy, he or she should immediately seek independent legal advice. The legal adviser will advise you on the implications of the compromise agreement you will be signing. This applies in redundancy situations or where employees reach settlement with their employers in light of grievances for unfair dismissal. It is important that the adviser’s certificate is dated for the date redundancy advice was actually provided.
If you require further information about redundancy rights, please contact us at enquiries@rtcooperssolicitors.com or visit one of the following pages on employment law:
- http://www.rtcoopers.com/practice_employment.php
- http://www.rtcoopers.com/faq-redundancyemployee.php
- http://www.employmentlawyersinlondon.com/video.php
- http://www.employmentlawyersinlondon.com
- http://www.compromiseagreementlonuk.com/
© RT COOPERS, 2012. This Briefing Note does not provide a comprehensive or complete statement of the law relating to the issues discussed nor does it constitute legal advice. It is intended only to highlight general issues. Specialist legal advice should always be sought in relation to particular circumstances.
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