We are seeing a number of top executives being given the option to purchase their company cars when made redundant. These employees tend to be very senior high earners. Usually a vlaue will be put on the car by the employer, but still favourable to the employee. The employee is usually asked to confirm in writing that the employee would like to pruchase the car and have a deadline by which to do so after the termination date, thereafter the offer lapses.
If you require further information please contact us at enquiries@rtcooperssolicitors.com or visit one of the following pages:
- http://www.rtcoopers.com/practice_employment.php
- http://www.rtcoopers.com/faq-redundancyemployee.php
- http://www.employmentlawyersinlondon.com/video.php
- http://www.employmentlawyersinlondon.com
- https://www.adviceoncompromiseagreements.com .
© RT COOPERS, 2010. This Briefing Note does not provide a comprehensive or complete statement of the law relating to the issues discussed nor does it constitute legal advice. It is intended only to highlight general issues. Specialist legal advice should always be sought in relation to particular circumstances.
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